WICKED! in LondonBy Robb WirtSo you’re in London and it’s a Thursday night. What to do? You could stay in your hotel suite watching re-runs of Murder She Wrote, OR, you could head out to the theater. I mean, you ARE in London, which is a lot like going to NYC. You simply cannot go without catching a show. Last year I saw Billy Elliot and this year I decided on Wicked. Both quite amazing fo sho. There’s just a certain high you get from entering the theater. Everyone is excited to be there, and everyone around is just in a jolly-good mood. Maybe it was the 5 pound cocktails. Bring a flask if you’re on a budget. I was definitely in a good mood as I found my way to my seat, 5th row center. Shut up! It doesn’t get any better than this! I don’t think I could have had a better seat actually. Keith Prowse really hooked us up. Although, I might have been a little too close because I really felt that Elphaba kept looking at me. She stared and pointed several times. I started to get a little worried actually. I just wasn’t in the mood to end up as winged monkey, so I tried not to look back. I also thought that if I stared too long I might turn green like her, and well, green isn’t part of my color wheel this season. Anyway, if you don’t know, Wicked tells the story of Elphaba, the future Wicked Witch of the West and her relationship with Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. You should remember them from the Wizard of Oz, right? Anyway, the witches friendship struggles through their opposing personalities and viewpoints, rivalry over the same love-interest (isn’t that always the way – no man is good enough unless everyone wants him), their reactions to the Wizard’s corrupt government (hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar, you think?), and, ultimately, Elphaba’s public fall from grace. Didn’t the same thing happen to Madonna in Argentina? I’m just saying. You must go see Wicked while you’re in London and Keith Prowse will hook you up too I’m sure. Keith Prowse offers special prices on London theater tickets for Monday through Thursday performances and some weekend matinees.
Prices range from $40 to $72, depending on the show. These prices are not available on the website, only by calling on the phone and talking to another human being. I’m telling you, there are still some advantages of human interaction. Their toll-free number is 1.800.669.8687 or 212.398.1468 (outside the USA).