Driving to the the Santa Teresa hotel was quite an adventure. Located towards the top of a hill in the center of Rio I felt like I was staying at someone’s house. The property is amazing very green, very natural very peaceful. The front desk is very relaxing, everyone is sitting down and using laptops. The whole place is very woodsy. My room was big and had a very fresh feeling with lots of natural light and positive energy. The only negative thing was the constant airplanes and busses driving by making it feel like there was a mini-earthquake every ten minutes. Amazing bed, killer shower head, flat screen tv. Once you are at the hotel Santa Teresa you will not want to leave. Eating breakfast in the restaurant I felt like I was on a resort far, faraway from everyone, with an amazing view of the city and really friendly waitstaff. This hotel would be a great romantic getaway for that special someone or even a Brazilian one night stand.
4 Cobrasnake StarsHotel Santa Teresa Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 660 Santa Teresa , Rio de Janeiro
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