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The Check Yo Pony Tail 2 show at the Echoplex in Echo Park, Los Angeles was the place to be Tuesday. This sold out show was packed full of fans of both Com Truise and XXYYXX. Swell City Guide had an exciting ticket giveaway which had two lucky winners to this show.

The contest was to tell Swell City Guide what the names Com Truise and XXYYXX means to you?

Our first winner Will said:

“XXYYXX means Hugs and Kisses and Com Truise is the way Tom Cruise spells his name when his life coach isn’t around.” We thought this was both funny and quite clever.

Our second winner Stephen said:

“good good ? stuff”

Now this answer is also quite witty and very, keen on the witch house scene. A lot of great witch house producers such as XXYYXX, LAKE R?DIO, ?NGST, and others use symbols in their names and song titles. I’m not exactly sure how this started but I also spoke with 17 year old Orlando, Florida producer XXYYXX and asked him a few questions in a short interview:

Carey of Swell City Guide: First of all how do you say XXYYXX?

Marcel aka XXYYXX: you just say each letter like X,X, Y, Y, X, X.

Carey of Swell City Guide: Okay that’s cool because some people try to pronounce it and some just say each letter. How did you come up with this name?

XXYYXX: I was searching for a unique name that no one else had, but it really doesn’t mean anything.

Carey of Swell City Guide: Really, interesting. You did great tonight and hope to hear some new stuff soon.

XXYYXX: Thank you.

XXYYXX did play a very good set and mixed some hip-hop songs too, which helped make the crowd shake it on the dance floor. This crowd was awesome for a Tuesday night. The Check Your Pony Tail scene attracts a lot of young cats and older hip folks like myself. XXYYXX played some of my favorite songs like “Good Enough” and “Set it Off” both of his self titled album “XXYYXX.” Go get this album right now and I think I can describe it of having elements of witch house, dirty south rap, and randb. I was really hoping he would play “Closer” and “DMT.” These are my favorites from the album.

The headliner was none other then Com Truise. Mr. Com Truise is from the east coast and also has a live drummer, which was a pleasant surprise. Com Truise is more chillwave, electronic music which reminds me of the song from Nintendo’s Out Run game. He played various songs from “In Decay” , “Cyanide Sisters,” and “Galactic Melt.” I’m so glad he did play one of my new favorite songs titled “VHS Sex.” Com Truise music also reminds me of the Cronenberg’s movie Videodrome for some reason. I’m sure you can collect what Com Truise reminds you of from various children of the 80s and they will say some other cool things like Tron, newwave, and more.

Check Your Ponytail 2, the Echoplex, and Iheartcomix all organized an excellent show. The openers Giraffe and Penthouse Penthouse were great and the very dark and eerie visuals by Demonbabies were epic , too. You better buy tickets quick to the next show or stay tuned for more Swell City Guide ticket giveaways!

written by Carey Steinberg and photography by Carey Steinberg