I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Miss Ciminelli, she had such a comforting and sweet aura and meeting her was a gratifying ending to my spa treatments.
Haya Zoubi: What would you be doing if you weren't a skin care/health expert/spa owner/authorSusan Ciminelli: I would own a Chateaux in France and turn it into a bed and breakfastQ: In the grand scheme of acheiving healthy, beautiful skin what do you think is most important: What you put inside (diet) or what you put on the outside (skin creams):A: Both are equally important. If I ever use another product my skin looks dull and terrible, and if I miss even one day of eating correctly, my whole body is out of sorts which means my whole being is not radiant.Q: With the environment contributing negative effects to our skin on a daily basis, what is the best way to offset whatever damage that pollution, the sun and climate change cause:A: Follow my book and use my products. The skin care products balance the skin. Essential oils, seawater and products loaded with seaweed and other nutrients really help to offset the negative effects of the environment. Eating a well balanced organic diet whenever possible will help us fight disease and ward off illness.Q: What is the one single most important piece of advise that you would give to someone who wants to improve their health and skin?A: Drink lots of water, eat a balanced diet, follow the best skin care regimen you can afford. Juice fast one day a week. Veggie juice is more cleansing than fruit juice.Q: What inspired you to write your book, "The Ciminelli Solution: A 7 Day Plan to Radiant Skin”A: The questions you are asking me are the same questions that everyone always ask me either in person or on my website. It was easier to write a book so that people could understand anatomically how their body works.Q: Who are some of the people who have inspired your philosophies?A: Gurumayi, my spiritual teacher from India. Norman Vincent Peale,Q: My dad is a total health nut. When I was growing up he used to create these concoctions using a juicer and mixing things like onions, carrots, apples, grapes and celery all in one drink. Do you think that's a bit ridiculous or is that kind of mixing and juicing of fruits and veggies actually healthy?A: In my juice chapter you can see the best combinations for juicing. I would love your Dad. He speaks my language. Can I meet him?Q: How can someone find out the color of their aura?A: The color of their aura is not as important as the amount of radiant energy that they exude. If they take a bath in our algae fine powder it will lighten their vibration and help them heal their aura.Q: I believe that what you do is a form of art. How do you handle the business side of you art?A: Everything I do is a challenge. I find the strength inside to balance the creative side with the business side of my brain. I love building this business. I started with $300 to my name in 1983. I learned by trial and error. I have some regrets but mostly I am very grateful for what I am blessed with.Q: What is your life motto:A: Stay positive, believe in a higher power, respect yourself and others, see God in each person you deal with and work from your heart and soul. Also very important, make sure to chew your food slowly when you are eating.Susan Ciminelli SpaBergdorf Goodman Penthouse 120 E. 56th Street New York, NY 10022http://susanciminelli.comQuick Links
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